Blogs, random thoughts, travel
Remember When?
Remember when we used to talk to people on telephones?It used to be that we just dialed a number and waited for somebody to answer. If it rang fifteen or twenty times, that meant they probably weren’t home. Because even if they had been in the bathroom, they would have made a mad scramble to reach the phone. After all, it could be important. But as the one doing the calling, we’re imagining them picking up the receiver just as we hang up—so we let it ring another three times, just in case.
Easter Egg Hunt
In my childhood, I recall that on the Saturday before Easter Sunday we would take a basket or box, line it with fresh green grass from the lawn and a few wildflowers from the pasture (but never bluebonnets because we were not permitted to pick them). These baskets would be lined up in the hallway of our utility room and on Easter morning we would check them for chocolate bunnies and other sweets. Sometimes there would be a few dyed eggs to find in the grass outside. -
The Ledger
When we emptied my parents’ home, there were large piles and tubs of photos and historical family documents. You see, they had gone through this same rite of passage with their own parents. My siblings and I did the best we could to sift through everything but in the end I can remember on the final day scooping up several old photo albums, putting them in a large Rubber Maid tub, and telling myself I would sort through them ‘one winter day’.