The Build Begins

Remember back in the 70s when Rod Stewart sang ‘The First Cut is the Deepest’?  He should have also added that it is stressful, jagged, and difficult to do.  One of the first real changes we made was to install a back window in the van.

Having all solid walls was too claustrophobic for us so we wanted to add a couple back windows.  This was one of the first of many internet purchases we made for the van.  In hindsight, a little more research would have been beneficial (more on that later).  Just picture yourself standing in your new-to-you vehicle with a metal saw in hand preparing to cut a large hole in the back door—C-R-A-Z-Y!  We did a few things right and many wrong but after considerable time we had a jagged square opening that a window sort of fit in.  Turns out the doors have a slight curve and the windows we ordered don’t.  But that’s what they make butyl tape and silicone caulk for, right?


After the second window, we made a trip to Texas to attend to some family business.  This was during the height of the pandemic so we spent the first night at a Mississippi rest stop.  Not too bad as long as we had battery operated fans blowing on us.  This trip also was a great reminder that the height of the van is about 8-1/2 feet and some trees have limbs that are LOWER.  So….there was a little body work to take care of when we returned home.

While we were gone our rooftop fan was delivered following a lengthy backlog.  Returning from Texas we attacked its installation like a couple of pros and had it installed and operational within four hours.  Remember, measure twice (or fourteen times) and cut once.  I watched several videos where people spent an hour trimming the hole so their fan would fit.  We felt good getting ours on the FIRST cut!

Still a lot to do at this point but at least we can connect the fan to a temporary power source and let some heat out of the metal box while we continue the build.

Progress is exciting and addictive!


1 comment

  • I love your “tongue-in-cheek” remarks. Measure twice ( or 14 times), cut once. A fun read.

    Helen Ammons

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